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Author: laura long

Leftover BPAs

If you have a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA), you may have just been given a bit of a reprieve regarding the merge into the General Services Administrations’ (GSA) consolidated Multiple Award Schedule. (Federal Computer Week, August 31, 2020)

According to GSA Administrator Emily Murphy, GSA is allowing a few BPAs to work through their lifecycles as opposed to forcing them into the consolidated Multiple Award Schedule. Murphy feels it could take up to five years to move completely over to the consolidated schedule but counts on it being much sooner.

As of the end of July GSA moved to Phase 3 of the MAS consolidation. Nearly 100 percent of vendors have updated their contracts and terms and conditions for the new solicitation. Murphy said, “We’ve got 99 percent of them onboard,” and will “work with [the remaining ones] on the best way to transition.” (ibid)

Wondering about your long-standing BPA? Give us a call.

SubK Silver Lining

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is extending the time for contractors to file Individual Subcontracting Reports (ISR) by 30 days and Summary Subcontracting Reports (SSR) by 60 days. (Small Business Administration Extension Notice, August 27, 2020)

SBA reasoned that, due to the pandemic and social distancing requirements in a number of states including the District of Columbia, many records remain unattainable. Without proper records, contractors are not able to meet reporting requirements.  New deadlines for ISRs is 30 November 2020 and for SSRs is 30 December 2020. SBA is also extending the deadline to 30 November for vendors who have recently completed contracts or will complete contracts before 30 September. No financial or liability consequences will be imposed on contractors for taking advantage of the updated deadlines.

The extension notice is being sent to those on the SBPAC list as well as all government and business personnel with a valid email in eSRS. (ibid)

Not sure if the extension notice applies to you? Give us a call.

Seeing STARS

The 8(a) STARS II contract has roughly 800 small business contractors that furnish custom IT services-based solutions tailored to meet government agency needs. STARS III contract will soon replace the current STARS II contract, with a higher dollar threshold and customized IT solutions. (Federal Computer Week, August 21, 2020)

Over the life of 8(a) STARS II, GSA has repeatedly raised the ceiling to meet federal agency needs and to support their small business contracting objectives. In April of this year the contract reached a $15 billion ceiling and by the end of July is was at $22 billion. In an effort to meet growing government agency needs, the 8(a) STARS III contract will accommodate more bidders with a $50 billion ceiling. 8(a) STARS III focuses on new technologies as well as meeting the needs of federal agencies outside the continental U.S.

According to Alan Chvotkin, executive vice president and counsel at the Professional Services Counsel, “rules have changed a lot over the years, the current contract vehicle, dating back to 2011 is kind of clunky and not as nimble as newer contracts. The new contract will help GSA fine new technology companies as well as requalify existing companies.” (ibid)

Questions about the 8(a) STARS III contract and if you currently do business under 8(a) STARS II how you will requalify? Give us a call.

Paying for COVID Absences

DoD has been steadily compensating contractors for work they are not able to complete due to the pandemic. According to Ellen Lord, chief acquisition chief for the Pentagon, payments are about to speed up. (Federal News Network, August 14, 2020)

Lord explained, “We have developed a streamlined path forward for low dollar value reimbursements under $2 million, and a path to settle globally at a company or division level that will eliminate the need to have proposals and negotiations on the contract-by-contract basis.”  DoD plans to make payments based on a tiered structure, depending on the size of the payments.

Questions about getting paid during the pandemic, or if you will get paid? Give us a call.

Update Update Update!

On 17 October 2020, the contract data reports function in will retire. The reports function is moving to GSA highly recommends that all users become familiar with contract data reports in as the move on 17 October is permanent. (GSA Interact, August 3, 2020)

Currently, reports are available in both places in an effort to ease into the change. GSA suggests that new users acclimate themselves through the following user guides and video:

  • Static Reports Reference Guide
  • Standard Reports Reference Guide
  • Ad Hoc Reports Reference Guide
  • Standard, Static, and Admin Reports Video Basic Ad Hoc Reports Video

Experienced users may find these resources helpful:

  • Contract Data Reports Before and After Transition from to
  • Quick Start Guide for Static, Standard, and Administrative Reports
  • Quick Start Guide for Ad Hoc Reports (ibid)

Feedback will be used to determine time frames and functionality, giving stakeholders a voice in outcomes. One example is the search capability to assist in finding more applicable search results. Multiple words or phrases may be searched and will prioritize the search by relevance. Use the feedback button in to give GSA your thoughts on the reports function. (ibid)

Have questions about the new functionality of Give us a call.