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Author: laura long

eBuy Open Launches

eBuy Open takes eBuy a step further — this electronic Request for Quote (RFQ) system launched just this week. The one-year pilot will test whether  vendors without a GSA Schedule contract will be better able to determine their intentions with regard to the Schedules or subcontracting opportunities.

GSA’s idea is to increase new entrants in its acquisition vehicle programs, increase competition, and promote transparency. This latter part will be promoted through federal buying opportunities receiving public view in eBuy of opportunities posted, after contract award.

A test group of government purchasers is included in the one-year pilot program, comprised of contracting officers from the GSA Office of Internal Acquisition and the FAS Region Southwest Supply and Acquisition Center for GSA-funded procurements. The test group will upload award notices for public viewing of each eBuy award. Opportunities can be found by entering the keyword “eBuyPilot” in the search box.

Please call EZGSA at 301-913-5000 if we can assist or answer any questions.

Modernizing the Federal Workforce

Transformation of the Federal Workforce

The current Administration says it is making progress towards transforming the federal workforce and framework that governs it. Over the summer, low-scoring agencies improved employee engagement and chose executives to lead upcoming workforce initiatives.

Development is slow but headed in the direction of preparing the federal workforce for “future” skills while addressing hiring and performance management frustrations. The goal is to have a simplified hiring process, while giving agencies more flexibility, in place by March of 2019. (On average it took 106 days to hire a new employee in 2017.)

Employee and Performance Engagement

During the summer, NIH piloted a tool for employee and performance engagement, the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS). This tool has helped low-performing agencies find opportunities to improve employee engagement. OPM drafted guidance to help low-performing agencies improve the FEVS scores. In the future, all agencies will be asked to give OPM more detail on their plans to improve engagement.

Federal Workforce/ Private Sector Workforce

By April of 2019, results from a study of the federal government’s compensation package will be available to compare to the private sector.  Among other tasks, all supervisors and managers are scheduled to have performance management training, which will align the federal to the private sector workforce.

The goal of these new plans, measures, and tools is to prepare the federal workforce for future skills and address long-held performance management and hiring practices.

Please call EZGSA at 301-913-5000, if we can answer any questions.

Webinars, Seminars, and an Exposition

GSA is hosting several upcoming events:

October 8th -10th – The Association of the United States Army (AUSA) is holding their annual meeting and exposition October 8th – October 10th. The event will take place at the Washington, DC Convention Center with over 700 exhibits and 30,000 attendees and offers a great opportunity to meet Department of Defense decision makers. To register and obtain additional information, visit their website at for additional information.

October 11th  – 1:00-3:00 PM EST  – Webinar offered by the Building Maintenance and Operations (BMO) and Delegation of Procurement Authority (DPA). An overview of the BMO acquisition strategy for the government-wide strategic sourcing contract vehicle and detailed ordering procedures. Eligible attendees who register will be provided a virtual meeting link prior to the training.

October 18th – 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM EST – Webinar offered by GSA Office of Travel, Transportation, and Logistics (TTL) Medium and Heavy Vehicle Branch (QMAAB). Expect training on Subcontracting Plans and reporting in the Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System (eSARS). It is recommended that large businesses required to have a Subcontracting Plan attend this meeting. It is strongly encouraged that questions be submitted in advance of the webinar. To join the meeting:

To join the meeting:

Conference Number(s):

US (Toll): 1-719-325-2013

US (Toll-Free): 1-866-928-2008

Participant Code: 629681


Please give EZGSA a call if we can answer any questions at 301-913-5000.

Year End Bonanza

This year many agencies had high percentages of spending not obligated for fiscal year 2018.m  This makes a strong case for being prepared during the last two months of the fiscal year when spending can be at an all-time high. This Nextgov article reports on data prepared by the Pulse and the Professional Services Council, showing that up to 40% of an agency’s budget may not have spent by fiscal year-end.  GSA Schedules provide government buyers with an easy, clear path to procure end of fiscal year needs.

Education is key: not all government customers are familiar with GSA Schedules or the benefits of purchasing from one.  it couldn’t hurt to remind your agency buyers that the contract has been competed and has no ceiling value. Depending on the type and dollar value of an order, agencies can buy directly from GSA Advantage!  Provide your customers with information from the General Services Administration on GSA Schedule benefitsordering procedures, and FAQs.

One of our most valuable tips is to make sure that pricing and product/service offerings are up-to-date on your awarded contracts. If not, you could be leaving money on the table or missing out on many time-sensitive opportunities.

Questions about whether your contact is current? Contact us at 301-913-5000 and we will help you find out!


Reverse Auction is Reversed!

GSA’s Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) is decommissioning the ReverseAuctions (RA) platform on September 30, 2018. The RA platform will not be available for either the creation or management of auctions after this date. Auctions with end dates after October 1, 2018, will be allowed to conclude as scheduled, and GSA will maintain RA system access for users, allowing for the retrieval of auction related documents through December 31, 2018.

Note: FSSI OS3 vendors can continue to log in and bid on OS3 auctions.