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GSA modifies eMod

GSA has introduced a new modification type, “Close Contract for New Awards,” in eMod. This modification empowers contractors to proactively inform potential and current customers about the status of their MAS contract. They can do this when they are no longer able to accept new orders due to the approaching end of the contract period, business issues, or the consolidation of multiple MAS contracts into a single contract as part of Phase 3 of MAS Consolidation. (BUY/GSA/GOV October 31, 2023)

This modification can be utilized in the following instances:

  1. To close a contract that is associated with a dependent BPA for a Streamlined or MAS Consolidation Phase 3 Contract. (ibid)
  2. When there is a BPA awarded that necessitates the contract to remain active. (ibid)

What does this mean for GSA industry partners?

  • Streamlined and MAS Consolidation Phase 3 Contract Holders: Ensuring that customers can easily identify your old MAS contract is now simpler. You can submit a modification to transparently display your older contracts as “closed” in eLibrary and have them removed from GSA Advantage! and eBuy to eliminate any confusion. Note that BPAs will remain active in GSA Advantage! and eBuy. (ibid)
  • Addressing Supply Chain issues: In today’s challenging economy, if you find it difficult to meet customer demand, discuss options, including the permanent closure or cancellation of your contract, with your Contracting Officer. Cancellations can be initiated at any time through eMod and become effective within 30 days. (ibid)

If either of the above situations applies to you, submit your modification request today! GSA has updated the Modification Guide to include step-by-step instructions on the new “Close Contract for New Awards” modification process. For any questions, reach out to the eOffer Help Desk at 1-866-472-9114 or (ibid)

What does this mean for customer agencies?

  • Are you tired of sifting through terms and conditions documents to determine which MAS contract to use for your orders? The new “Close Contract for New Awards” modification type enables contractors to close their contracts to new business. Once the modification is awarded to the MAS contract, these contracts are marked as “closed for business” in eLibrary and are no longer available for purchase through eBuy or GSA Advantage! (ibid)
  • Enhanced transparency in eLibrary: An asterisk (*) next to a contractor’s name indicates that no new orders can be placed under that contract. (ibid)
  • Buyers will not have the ability to award a quote on any contract that has been set to “closed for new awards,” even if the quote was submitted before the contract transitioned to the closed status. (ibid)

Questions about the new modification in eMod? Give us a call.