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Contract management

TSA Gets FAST (in One Way At Least)

TSA plans to use its Fast Agile Scalable Teams (FAST) procurement program to acquire customized software and to bring legacy systems up to date. The agency will compile a list of tech companies to create the new software applications.

Prime vendors selected under the BPA will break large projects into smaller chunks, a great opportunity for smaller companies to develop relationships with both larger tech companies and agency contracting officers. Building and maintaining a suite of enterprise-wide software applications will take time and personnel.

The BPA will cover multiple awardees, including two statements of work focused on supporting operations and enterprise-wide systems. TSA will select other teams to maintain “mission essential systems,” create and implement a data management platform, and build new software to meet the agency’s changing needs.

FAST leaves the door open for small businesses to develop automation tools, coach teams in agile methodology, and perform an array of other functions.

Interested in working with TSA? Give us a call at 301-913-5000.

Alert! Alert! AI Watching Your GSA Schedule Contract!

There seems to be a shortcoming in the acquisition oversight process. GSA is trying to fix it using artificial intelligence.

For the past 20 years, agencies found it tough to include Section 508 accessibility requirements in their contracts. GSA was unable to guarantee those contract clauses were in the original solicitations, but with AI and machine learning tools, they plan to automate the oversight process. An earlier test showed a 95 percent success rate in alerting agencies missing 508 requirements. GSA plans to move from test to production phase very soon.

Not sure if you are missing 508 requirements in your contract or have questions? Give us a call at 301-913-5000 and we can help you figure it out.

Refresh, Get Your Refreshes Here!

It’s refresh time, or almost. GSA has let us know that a mass modification will be released soon, and with it they will refresh all GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) solicitations. This is to add and update clauses and provision related to the implementation of GSAR Case 2016-G506 (OLM Technical Amendment) and FAR Case 2018-010 (Use of Products and Services of Kaspersky Lab). Contractors have 90 days to accept the mass modification.

If you have questions or need assistance understanding this modification give us a call at (301) 913-5000.

Upcoming Events

If it’s been a while since you attended a live event, training, or a webinar, it might be time to consider checking into as updates and changes are happening. Stay ahead of the curve. Give us a call at (301) 913-5000 if we can answer questions about any of the following:

Building Maintenance and Operations Overview & DPA Training – Virtual 10/25/2018
Announcing the Building Maintenance and Operations Overview and Delegation of Procurement Authority Training. The training will provide detailed ordering procedures for the new BMO government-wide strategic sourcing contract vehicle.


GSA Schedule 66 Training 11-6
What’s up with Schedule 66? Drones and a whole lot more!


Building Maintenance and Operations Overview & DPA Training – Virtual 12/13/2018
Announcing the Building Maintenance and Operations Overview and Delegation of Procurement Authority Training. The training will provide detailed ordering procedures for the new BMO government-wide strategic sourcing contract vehicle.

What’s Going On PSS?

During the PSS “What’s New and Coming Soon” webinar this week, Lisa Norgren provided some updates and coming attractions. Among the most interesting/important points:

  • SSQ has a new interface! And it’s pretty! We tried using the sample search, it didn’t work. But that doesn’t mean yours won’t. One big change: you now must log in to perform a search.
  • 72a reporting is slowly migrating to a new FAS Sales Reporting Portal. Slowly, you ask? Yesss. The new system is being rolled out to some users, and the method seems haphazard. As we check the portal for all our clients, you may want to do the same. This ongoing migration will eventually replace the current system for all contractors.
  • The streamline process for PSS continues, with more updates expected early next year.
  • PSS SIN consolidation also continues, with more announcements expected by the middle of 2019.

As always, please contact us (301-913-5000) with any questions or concerns about the above. We are here to help!