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Security Clearance Due Process Streamlining

The Defense Department is streamlining process procedures for individual security clearances. (Defense Systems, January 27, 2021). On 19 January, the Under Secretary of Defense issued a memorandum to “simplify, centralize and unify the established administrative process for unfavorable security clearance eligibility hearings and appeals. The memo directs DoD unit heads to allow applicants to: “cross-examine” those who made negative statements about them, and receive documentation on the administrative due process. However, all unit heads retain the ability to “deny or suspend” access to classified information or Special Access Programs if an individual is found to be “inconsistent with protecting the national security.” (ibid)

“The policy is effective upon DoD General Counsel (GC) certification to USD (I&S) that DOHA has prepared, but no later than September 30, 2022.” (ibid)

Was your application for a security clearance revoked and you are not sure what to do next? Give us a call.